CD-Digipack Progression

  1. I started getting the inspiration for my album cover by looking at a selection of album covers that I had listened to. The albums I selected had common qualities to the band we had created and the song we had chosen. I noticed that all of these albums had the common theme of film photography. 
  2. As a result of this, I decided to take the photography of the album myself using my film camera. I took all the photos for the album using Kodak Colour Plus. I made sure to use a 200 iso film speed as to force myself to take the images in broad daylight and perhaps overexposed. I did this because I found it to be a common theme throughout a lot of the album covers I looked through and also because I found I used to underexpose my film and I wanted to get out of the bad habit. 
  3. My next step was to take the picture, I wanted my cover image to capture a sense of nostalgia that I had tried to capture with my music video and as a result, I chose to take it at Thornby beach on the outskirts of Liverpool. My reasoning was for this was because it was a big part of my childhood, home place of my Father and Grandparents it would be somewhere I would go and play in at school holidays in primary school.   
  4. After photography was done I decided to begin formatting the Digi-Pack. I wanted my product to be nostalgic yet clean and simple. To do this I wanted to replicate the formatting of a compact cassette with the pull-out sleeve. I made my title, song lyrics and band name all format as if they were the outer section of a cassette lay out flat with the spine of the CD replicating the spine of the cassette. 
  5. The next thing I decided necessary was to do was decided a consistent colour scheme throughout my Digi-Pack. I wanted the colour to be friendly and relate to my subject image. I chose to use an almost Sea blue colour that looked friendly and inviting and also fit with the aesthetic of my images already taken. 
  6. As it came to finishing touches I needed to find a record label I would want to distribute my album. I chose to use one of my favourite record labels 'Adorno Records'. Their signed bands were very similar to the sound that I could imagine 'Sadgasm' making. I also felt that their label's logo was also very adaptable to my album cover, it looked in place compared to other logo's I had tried to use. 
  7. The next step to take was to decide the names for my songs, I wanted to follow the themes found in many other albums that I listen to following my genre. I found lots of these song titles, although morose in theme had rather light-hearted and sometimes comedic names. After a lesson or two of brainstorming, I had all of the names for my songs and had almost finished my Digi-Pack. 
  8. My final stage was to create an album title. Album titles I found to be varied and very rarely following any conventions, I decided this meant I should probably follow the same themes I had established in my song titles. I wanted to make a stereotypical introspective yet comedic album title that fits with the conventions previously established. After this was all complete I felt I had finished my product. 


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