Music Video Analysis: Lace Curtains - The Fly

Establishing Shot:
This shot establishes the beginning of the video, showing the desolate landscape around the main character of the video. I like the use of colour blocking in this shot showing a vivid contrast in scenery.
Next Shot: 
I like the blocking of this shot leaving lots of negative space around the main subject and allowing the viewers eyes to process all of the colour throughout the introductory scene. The framing of this shot allows for lots of headroom and movement within the shot.
Next Shot: 
The interesting clothing and juxtaposition of the character in the suburban neighbourhood creates a humorous appeal to the viewer and also shows relates to the narrative of the lyrics of a man feeling out of place. 
Next Shot:
This shot shows follows the rules of thirds whilst also creating a nice symmetrical shot that is visually pleasing for the audience. I also like the use of practical effects to create the Fly's head, it adds an extra factor of quality that gives the video a cared for atmosphere.


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